@fredwu 1 year ago (updated 11 months ago) | 6 min read | 3 comments
Like many software engineers and indie hackers, I dream of and experiment with different product ideas every now and then. Five years ago, in 2018, I toyed with an idea where personas and expressions are the enablers for showcasing people's talents and interests. I called it, Persumi. The Origin The original idea was to break the pattern of modern day social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where every person is hidden behind a two-dimensional facade. Words and photos are...
@fredwu 11 months ago (updated 11 months ago) | 15 min read | 2 comments
A few weeks ago I soft launched an MVP - you are looking at it right now. In this post I'll talk about the features, the tech stack and the globally distributed infrastructure behind building this MVP, and of course, with a sprinkle of learnings too. The "MVP" Deciding what makes up an "MVP" is always interesting - I've heard some saying if the product isn't embarrassing you're releasing it too late, and also if the product is embarrassing, you're not gonna make it. For me, I've always had th...
@maru.milk 1 year ago | 2 min read | 2 comments
Hindsight is such a blessed thing. Should I have had a time-machine to tell myself to keep running track, don't date that person, buy bitcoin; I would have been in such a different space than I am in now. That point in itself is enough to appreciate all the hardship I've been through - whether useless or crucial to my growth as a person. That's where the appreciation for hindsight comes in. Hindsight is such a blessed thing, because it's the current you, using the past you, to create an inform...
@fredwu 6 months ago (updated 6 months ago) | 5 min read | 2 comments
After having soft launched Persumi in 2023, I quickly found myself wanting to explore better ways to promote the product. Unfortunately, most of digital marketing products are focused on three main areas: 1. Keyword bidding, e.g. Google Ads or Facebook Ads 2. Cold outreach, e.g. Apollo 3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) They each has its own pros and cons. As an indie developer without a huge budget, none of these tools work effectively. The Challenges Keyword bidding and targeted ads are...
@fredwu 4 years ago (updated 11 months ago) | 7 min read | 3 comments
Over the past decade or two, both as a software developer and as a manager I have accumulated a few tips for becoming a better software developer. For context, I've been working as a software developer for more than a decade, mostly in small product-based companies; over the last decade or so I've worked as a team lead or manager in various capacities; and I've moonlighted as a consultant, freelancer and open source contributor in-between. Check out my LinkedIn profile and Github profile if you ...
@fredwu 10 months ago (updated 10 months ago) | 14 min read | no comments
The article compares six AI OCR tools: AWS Textract, Microsoft Azure Document Intelligence, Google Cloud Document AI,, and It then does a deep comparison between Azure and Google, the two leading choices, in several aspects: initial setup, auto labelling data, text detection and recognition, custom labelling, auto-label accuracy, auto-label result verification, data training speed, data regions and compliance. The article concludes that Azure is the better choice.
CTO by day, freelancing software consultant by night. Founder of Persumi.
@chinace 6 months ago (updated 6 months ago) | 4 min read | no comments
Small gestures can have a significant impact on customer experience. By listening to customers, empowering employees, mapping customer journeys, monitoring impact, sharing successes, and budgeting for gestures, businesses can create lasting relationships with their customers. These gestures can range from personal touches like handwritten notes to proactive communication and extra-mile service. By focusing on authentic understanding and fulfilling customer needs, businesses can create a posi...
@archivistmoth 4 months ago (updated 4 months ago) | 4 min read | no comments
The horizontal rule element is a handy tool for formatting and displaying your content. However, it can often look really bland when you want a more personalized look. Here's a look into styling your own custom separators using the CSS border property.
"Do Not Overstate Your Capability," but do make sure to highlight the various areas in which you have polish. The interviewer may ask what experience you do not have, which you can then explain to be a critical reason for wanting to find a new job. You WANT them to see you as motivated and eager to learn, not as someone who thinks too highly of themselves. If you already knew it all, you likely wouldn't be in the position of interviewing for a job.
Hi, I'm Will. Originally from London, I've been living in Osaka for the past 10 years. I teach in higher education. I am a self-proclaimed grade A geek. I love literature, film and music.
Ah yeah that's a quirk I gotta fix. Thanks for noticing!
@fredwu 4 years ago (updated 11 months ago) | 9 min read | 1 comment
Due to COVID-19, not many companies are hiring at the moment. The company I work for therefore is in a very fortunate position to still be thinking about growth and hiring. As a hiring manager for almost a decade now, I've personally reviewed thousands of job applications and CVs, and many hiring managers would probably agree, the vast majority of CVs are terrible. Let's change that! During COVID-19 where more and more people are either losing jobs or having their work hours cut, we are experie...
Choosing the right search tool for an Elixir application has been a challenge for me. We initially used Algolia but later migrated to PostgreSQL through some A/B testing. However, we started experiencing more and more bottlenecks on PostgreSQL. The reason for migrating away from Algolia was to reduce costs, so if we are not fond of Saas products, it seems we might turn to Elasticsearch for our search needs.
Super insightful post, esp. in regard to your decision making upon reaching those hurdles 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
_@archivistmoth commented:_ > From a more admin note, I am curious if this would need to change, should "schedule publication" ever be on the roadmap. Yep, it's on the roadmap. > Also interesting to note how much more I can fit in the comments, should I choose to comment on my own quick post. (Can you tell I like kicking the tires of any tech I use?) Good question, there's no limit on the number of comments you can make, though there is a character limit (500) per comment.
Thank you for the valuable tips! I'll definitely incorporate them into my work. Regarding UX, may I suggest opening external links in new tabs? It would enhance navigation and maintain reading flow. Just a thought for a smoother user experience. Much appreciated!
Excited to build and be part of communities on Persumi!
commented 9 months ago on a quick post by @catapart
Thank you!! ❤️
@ghostyy094 4 months ago | 16 min read | 1 comment
A short form story about a man who is challenged to not look in a mirror. Seems simple enough, right
@harveymikelitt99 6 months ago (updated 6 months ago) | 4 min read | no comments
The meticulous design of these rotation programs is pivotal in shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals. By focusing on diverse clinical experiences, simulation learning, and fostering reflective practice and mentorship, educators contribute to a well-rounded and adaptable nursing workforce.