Blog (rant)

@fredwu 13 years ago | 2 min read | no comments
On a cold windy day, we are comfortably sitting in our chairs beside the fireplace, holding a mug full of hot tasty latte. We are slowly and calmly sipping on our coffee, imagining that things could be far worse outside of our safe and warm house. Exactly how do we know that things could be far worse? We don’t, because we are too comfortable and too familiar with what we currently have. Being happy with where you are is one thing, being ignorant is another. Inventions and innovations aren’t bo...
@fredwu 15 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
[] I need Textmate 2 (or a 3D monitor/projector) to come out sooner, otherwise there will be a day where I will just be totally lost in dozens of windows.