Blog (conference)

@fredwu 5 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
Seven years ago in 2012 I spoke at RubyConf China 2012. It was a technical talk on how to become a better developer, if you're interested you can check out the video recording. Seven years later in August 2019, I headed back to Shanghai again to speak at this year's RubyConf China. And this time around, it was a non-technical talk on how to develop one's career. Check out the video recording below: video: And, here are some photos of yours truly. :) ...
@fredwu 11 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
It was the first time I presented in front of 400+ people so I was really nervous - I blasted through the talk in under 30 minutes even though I was supposed to talk for 45 minutes, oh well. ;) video: Also, my slides are available too. P.S. If you’re located in China, you may view the talk at Railscasts China.
@fredwu 11 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
Contrary to what the title of the talk suggests, I am by no means a superstar developer myself. Though I would like to think that I am extremely passionate about what I do, therefore I love to share my thoughts and tips on web development and software engineering. Below is the version I used for my actual talk: Since I had been preparing for my talk for over a month, I’ve done many revisions to my slides. Here’s an uncut ver...
@fredwu 11 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
I had such a wonderful time at RubyConf China! So here are some photos from the conference. :) Gallery of photos of yours truly on stage: [] Gallery of photos I took mostly on the VIP dinner event the day before the conference: []