Blog (startup)

@fredwu 12 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
Holidays period is the perfect time to gear up and learn a thing or two from the masters - and as it turned out, reading Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup is one of the most exciting and joyful things I’ve done during the holidays. [] In this book you won’t find long-winded and boring theories, instead the book is full of real world use cases and practical advices. If you are an entrepreneur, or if you are responsible for product development, I urge you to read this book if you haven’t already. :)
@fredwu 13 years ago | 5 min read | no comments
A couple of days ago, a blog post titled "First employee of startup? You are probably getting screwed!" has made to the Hacker News front page and has spawned some great discussion and debate. Since I had just been screwed recently, I thought it might be a good opportunity for me to share what I’ve learnt. After my story got picked up by Hacker News and some other sites, I was contacted by my client. It was a very interesting and surreal experience which included keywords such as sue, settle, d...