Fred Wu

CTO by day, freelancing software consultant by night. Founder of Persumi.
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 4 min read | no comments
TL;DR - PHP is still a useful tool, but as a PHP developer, have you started playing with other useful tools? Here’s my story. Today Jeff Atwood’s new piece "The PHP Singularity" and Marco Arment’s "PHP Addiction" have started another round of heated discussion on PHP. As someone who started his career as a PHP developer, I feel like sharing my thoughts from a different perspective. I began my career as a freelancer - since JavaScript and PHP were the two programming languages I learnt at scho...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 1 min read | no comments
Ever wondered how you could utilise the render method outside the context of Rails controllers and views? If you wonder why anyone would do that. Well, imagine you are building an awesome form builder, you need to output and/or store rendered partials in the buffer. How do you do that? For example, what if you want to do this in your view? <%=raw %> You could do something like this: module Awesome class FormBuilder < AbstractController...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 2 min read | no comments
This blog post titled "Agile is a Sham" offends me a little bit. The post screams hey, I am a cowboy programmer, and it almost implies that if you employ processes then you are stupid. In this day and age, I would have thought finding the right tool for the right job is common sense. Apparently not. Agile, among many other things, is not a silver bullet - it never was and it never will be. The key thing is to experiment and find what works for you, your team and your company. Most software proj...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 3 min read | no comments
Today an interesting blog post on Zend Framework has made to the Hacker News front page. I have to agree with the author - Zend Framework is an over-engineered piece of software. A few years ago I was working full time as a PHP developer. Naturally, I had experimented with lots of frameworks, including CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Kohana, Yii, Symfony and obviously, Zend Framework. Over the years, I had developed many projects primarily using CodeIgniter and later on, Kohana. There was one project tha...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 1 min read | no comments
Hiring is usually a long and difficult process - in order to streamline and simply it, I use Kanban to manage the whole process. I believe, hiring should be as lean and agile as our development process. My Kanban board for hiring (we just started hiring at SitePoint!): [] Using a Kanban board offers a number of advantages: - a clear picture of the candidates with their feedback from code tests and interviews - a straightforward view of where a candidate is at in the hiring process - lim...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 5 min read | no comments
If you are looking at hiring developers, check out my article on this subject. The goal or the dream of working on your own startup is always full of excitement. And apart from some rare cases such as Dropbox, you probably need one or more co-founders to work with you on The Next Big Thing ™. Problem is, how do you (as a non-technical co-founder) find us? Or more specifically, how do you talk us into working with you instead of some other billion-dollar ideas? To answer this question, we need ...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 3 min read | no comments
If you are looking at finding technical co-founders, check out my article on this subject. In recent years developers become hotter and hotter - especially the good ones - they are hard to find, and they have plenty of employment options to choose from. Some companies (or individuals who are seeking freelancers) go the extra miles to impress developers with attractive salary/rate and perks, which is nice. But surprisingly, many companies and individuals seem to have a habit of keep doing things...
@fredwu 12 years ago in Tech | 1 min read | no comments
Holidays period is the perfect time to gear up and learn a thing or two from the masters - and as it turned out, reading Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup is one of the most exciting and joyful things I’ve done during the holidays. [] In this book you won’t find long-winded and boring theories, instead the book is full of real world use cases and practical advices. If you are an entrepreneur, or if you are responsible for product development, I urge you to read this book if you haven’t already. :)
@fredwu 13 years ago in Tech | 1 min read | no comments
After four days of sketching, designing and cutting up HTML/CSS, the new design (as you are seeing now) is finally live! The new design is structurally similar to the old design, but with a fresh header and better use of space. [] A new year warrants a fresh start. Apart from the redesign, I have also started heading up the development effort at SitePoint - dozens of interesting and challenging projects ahead! [] 2012 will be an awesome year! :)
@fredwu 13 years ago in Tech | 5 min read | no comments
A couple of days ago, a blog post titled "First employee of startup? You are probably getting screwed!" has made to the Hacker News front page and has spawned some great discussion and debate. Since I had just been screwed recently, I thought it might be a good opportunity for me to share what I’ve learnt. After my story got picked up by Hacker News and some other sites, I was contacted by my client. It was a very interesting and surreal experience which included keywords such as sue, settle, d...