
@fredwu 13 years ago | 2 min read | no comments
Today is my last day at Envato. I have been working here for a year and half and it has been, without a doubt the most fulfilling experience I have ever had in my professional career. I was hired as a PHP developer initially. Who knew, several months into the job I was ‘converted’ voluntarily to a full time Ruby developer - and it has been the highlight of my career progression. It is hard to imagine what I would have become if it wasn’t for Envato’s support behind my conversion. During my time...
@fredwu 13 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
[] My entry to the RubyCommitters design contest. View it in action at :-)
@fredwu 13 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
[] Sneak peak of the redesign of :)
@fredwu 13 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
So, you are using Slim, right? If not, go check it out because it’s awesome. ;) Now, I don’t know about you but prior to Slim I use Haml quite a bit, and even though syntax-wise Haml and Slim have a lot in common, it’s still quite a challenge to convert all Haml templates to Slim templates. As a result, let me present you with a quick n’ dirty Haml2Slim converter! Check out the source code.
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
At Envato we have a few dozen sites residing on multiple servers. The data on a portion of the servers need to be regularly backed up to Amazon S3. The Envato Mad Scientist Ryan Allen has worked on a script called Sir Sync-A-Lot which syncs the data to S3. This was done after evaluating a bunch of scripts including s3sync. Today I turned Ryan’s original script into a little Rubygem and added a bit more features. Go check out the source code!
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
For the past few weeks I have started contributing to a small project - Slim. Slim is a fast, lightweight templating engine for Rails 3. It has been tested on Ruby 1.9.2 and Ruby/REE 1.8.7. Slim is heavily influenced by Haml and Jade. Andrew Stone who is the author of the project has posted a quick update on the latest feature additions to Slim. Please go check it out. The source code of Slim is available on Github.
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
Before (Rails 3.0.1pre stable branch + Arel 1.0.1): [] After (Rails 3.1.0 master branch + Arel 2.0.0dev master branch: [] Thanks to the awesome work done by Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) and others. :-) UPDATE: After Aaron Patteron’s tweet, I ran the tests again on Rails 3.0.1pre stable branch + Arel 2.0.0dev master branch, and the result blew my mind: []
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
Don’t you just hate it when you get the following errors during a Capistrano deployment? bundle: command not found Could not find RubyGem bundler (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError) In fact, even if you don’t use bundler, you might still get errors like this: rake: command not found Could not find RubyGem rake (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError) It turns out this has something to do with the $PATH and $GEM_HOME variables. So here’s the quick fix. Log in to your deployment server, as a root us...
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
[] Wuit trademarked in Australia now! :-) The trademark application in the US is being progressed as well. If you don’t already know, Wuit is my soon to be launched studio identity.
@fredwu 14 years ago | 1 min read | no comments
If you haven’t already been using AppConfig in your Rails project, well, you should! Jacques Crocker has recently released his new version of the original AppConfig - RailsConfig. I was invited to join the development of this new tool, so make sure you go check it out. :-)