The official community of Persumi. Bug reports and feature requests are welcomed!
@fredwu 1 year ago (updated 1 year ago) | 6 min read | 4 comments
Like many software engineers and indie hackers, I dream of and experiment with different product ideas every now and then. Five years ago, in 2018, I toyed with an idea where personas and expressions are the enablers for showcasing people's talents and interests. I called it, Persumi. The Origin The original idea was to break the pattern of modern day social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where every person is hidden behind a two-dimensional facade. Words and photos are...
@thetheblocker723 17 days ago | 3 min read | no comments
Hey, everyone! Today we are going to talk about a topic that sounds a bit mysterious and curious - signal jammers! These small devices are like the invisible cloaks of the technology world, which can give us "privacy" or "security" in some cases. But how do they work? Let's take a look today!
@fredwu 1 year ago (updated 1 year ago) | 15 min read | 2 comments
A few weeks ago I soft launched an MVP - you are looking at it right now. In this post I'll talk about the features, the tech stack and the globally distributed infrastructure behind building this MVP, and of course, with a sprinkle of learnings too. The "MVP" Deciding what makes up an "MVP" is always interesting - I've heard some saying if the product isn't embarrassing you're releasing it too late, and also if the product is embarrassing, you're not gonna make it. For me, I've always had th...