Interesting to note: when you create a post counts is its chronological sort date, even if you don't publish till days later. This means that if you make a draft of content, anything published sooner shows above it after publishing!

on (updated 4 months ago)

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@fredwu commented 4 months ago

@archivistmoth commented:

From a more admin note, I am curious if this would need to change, should “schedule publication” ever be on the roadmap.

Yep, it’s on the roadmap.

Also interesting to note how much more I can fit in the comments, should I choose to comment on my own quick post. (Can you tell I like kicking the tires of any tech I use?)

Good question, there’s no limit on the number of comments you can make, though there is a character limit (500) per comment.

@fredwu commented 4 months ago

Ah yeah that’s a quirk I gotta fix. Thanks for noticing!

@archivistmoth commented 4 months ago author

From a more admin note, I am curious if this would need to change, should “schedule publication” ever be on the roadmap.

Also interesting to note how much more I can fit in the comments, should I choose to comment on my own quick post. (Can you tell I like kicking the tires of any tech I use?)

@archivistmoth commented 4 months ago author

For an example of this, check my Persumi Templates Persona. My post “Custom Content Dividers using CSS Borders” shows below the quick post talking about how I hope to have tutorials ready soon. Both were created on Friday, but the blog post was not published until the following Monday. An interesting quirk of the platform and one to keep in mind. Drafting is best kept to personal devices; paste in as a draft only to do last tests before hitting publish.