
In this day and age, the right to freedom of communication is almost equal to the right to personal freedom. As modern citizens, we should have the right to independently choose the mode and content of our communications without any illegal eavesdropping, surveillance and harassment. However, with the continuous development of communication technology, our private calls and online activities are facing more and more security hazards and risks of leakage. In view of this, an emerging technology c...
@thejammerblocker 1 month ago (updated 1 month ago) in Blog (Simple) | 4 min read | no comments
In this era of highly developed technology, we are surrounded by electromagnetic waves all the time. Whether it is cell phone signals, WiFi or Bluetooth and other radio signals, they are like an invisible grid enveloped in our lives. With prolonged exposure to this dense electromagnetic environment, many people have become concerned about the potential risk of radiation exposure. What's even more disturbing is that in the midst of such noisy signals, personal communications and network data are ...
@thejammerblocker 2 months ago (updated 2 months ago) in Persumi | 2 min read | no comments
Silent and Robust: The Silent Power of Jammers Silence often carries the greatest power, and signal blocker are the embodiment of this silent power. They are silent, yet they have a firm grip on the electromagnetic space. It all starts with a simple, unobtrusive appearance. The body of the jammer may seem simple, but inside has been loaded with advanced circuitry and a powerful radio frequency source. They are not ostentatious, not ostentatious, just wait for the time is right, can quickly rele...